More threads by djbaxter

Re: Google Retiring "Google Reader"

Very interesting commentary!

Google Plus Daily: [Opinion] Why Google+ is the New Google Reader

On Google+ there are some very influential users who are doing their best to save Google Reader. In fact, many of my close friends have asked me to use my influential Google connections to save their beloved resource. As a forward thinker, I have to step back and realize that some do not see the vision of Google and Google+. In the near future Google+ will be the new Google reader
Re: Google Retiring "Google Reader"

Another thing that irritates me is that people are saying "well, we have Twitter" now and that is the only feed you need. :confused::confused: - It's a completely different sort of platform, and rather than just see "latest posts" from people, you are also seeing their retweets and general comments.....This is fine and useful but a completely seperate purpose to an RSS Feed reader. At least with the latter, you can get rid of the noise and stay organised!
Re: Google Retiring "Google Reader"

Agree Nick.

Plus the other benefit to Reader that G+ and Twitter does not have is that it saves all the posts til you have time to go back and scan the headlines. AND like you said you can organize it better. With the other 2, there is so much noise flying by and if you don't catch a headline as it's posted in your steam or timeline you are likely to miss it.
Re: Google Retiring "Google Reader"

Now this kinda makes sense.

Google Reader may very well rise again… as part of Google+ | Ars Technica RSS won't be killed by social media. It will become social media.

One thing I've read that kinda makes sense tho if G is simply playing a numbers game is that the average US consumer, joe and sue surfer are not using Reader en masse. It's mainly us geeks that use it. So it's not like Gmail where the market is literally every person, Reader just is used by a sub-set of the population.

But still.... whine... I don't want it to go away and don't want to have to deal with change!

That article also points to a PETITION to keep Reader if anyone wants to sign it.

Petition | Google: Keep Google Reader Running |
Re: Transitioning from Google Reader to feedly

6 Free Google Reader Alternatives

How to Download Your Data with Google Takeout At the time of this writing bunches of people have signed up for RSS readers. Some of the sites are having a hard time keeping up with the traffic. They may not be reachable due to server overload and all features may change or not be available. I think a few more days should see things settling down quite a bit. If you find one that's down temporarily, give it some time and then check back.
"Pulse is a fast and beautiful way to read your favorite blogs, magazines, social networks and newspapers."
Magazine style interface.
Free registration using Facebook or Email
Direct import of RSS feeds from Google Reader
"Bringing the Fun in Reading Back. A beautifully crafted experience that puts content at its heart. Read, save & share your favorite stories."

(Yes, Bloglines. It's been resurrected from the old version)
Google Reader import feature
Free registration uses email address
Web and mobile versions
"Welcome to the all new Bloglines, the best resource for local blogs, news, and events."

The Old Reader
?Just like the old google reader, only better. Import your subscriptions in one click, find your Facebook friends and start sharing.?
Import your feeds directly from your Google Reader account or use our OPML import feature.
Registration requires Facebook or Google account.
No mobile as yet, but sports a mobile friendly interface.
Re: Transitioning from Google Reader to feedly

Thought I'd try The Old Reader.

Set up an account and imported my Google Reader subscriptions around midday.

8 or 9 hours later, this is what I see:



:eek: - See the chaotic situation that Google has caused! Everyone jumping ship to a new feed system.

I've already splashed my cash on NewsBlur and it wouldn't work because so many people were switching over - So, I'm going to wait until the hype dies down and carry on using Google Reader in the meantime.
Thanks Linda. That's very helpful to have those updates.

On the point about Email, I have to say that it's nothing compared to RSS. The problem with Email is that we get far too many of them and so we have information overload. It also meshes the news stories with emails from clients which can be too much to handle (for me). Anyway, it's still good to offer an email subscribe option as that is the most popular mainstream method.
Sorry should have spelled something out better.

Wasn't thinking email is an alternative for folks like us, but for SMBs or consultants that don't blog much and just have a small following of readers who MAYBE aren't in the loop and don't even know Reader is going away - getting YOUR readers to subscribe via email would be a way to try to avoid losing most of your subscribers, once the change happens.

Cuz think about it. The average person that is not a power RSS reader like we are... they aren't reading the news about Reader and one day it will just be gone. Will they remember that YOUR blog was one of the ones they subscribed to? Or will you just lose them?

Until I read Matt's post I was ONLY thinking about my own RSS consumption and habits!
This has me thinking now about all my subscribers and the best way to educate them to help them to transition so I don't lose any readers.

PLUS as others have suggested, if Reader is going away, I'm afraid Feedburner may be next. So need to think about alternatives if/when that happens too.
Sorry should have spelled something out better.

Wasn't thinking email is an alternative for folks like us, but for SMBs or consultants that don't blog much and just have a small following of readers who MAYBE aren't in the loop and don't even know Reader is going away - getting YOUR readers to subscribe via email would be a way to try to avoid losing most of your subscribers, once the change happens.

Cuz think about it. The average person that is not a power RSS reader like we are... they aren't reading the news about Reader and one day it will just be gone. Will they remember that YOUR blog was one of the ones they subscribed to? Or will you just lose them?

Until I read Matt's post I was ONLY thinking about my own RSS consumption and habits!
This has me thinking now about all my subscribers and the best way to educate them to help them to transition so I don't lose any readers.

PLUS as others have suggested, if Reader is going away, I'm afraid Feedburner may be next. So need to think about alternatives if/when that happens too.

Yeah, absolutely!

I often mention RSS to friends of mine (and sometimes clients) and they are :confused::confused::confused: and often surprised that I follow 30+ Blogs!

An Email List is definitely the most popular way for people to keep up-to-date.
Between psychology-psychiatry and search, my current Google Reader list includes 283 feeds... not all of those update daily, of course, but then there are those that update several times daily.

The point about email options for your blogs or other sites with RSS feeds is a good one though for visitors/subscribers who only want to follow a few sites or even just certain topics on a blog.;
Ya I have 416 blogs in my Reader. Many are topics relevant to my other company,
but MOST and the only ones I read every day are SEO and Local SEO.
No wonder we relate to that Hitler video! :D
Re: Google Retiring "Google Reader"

I'm glad Eric started this thread because I was looking for alternatives myself. I guess I understand why they are killing it but it sucks.

And what is Google+ anyway?:D

My clients (and friends who are active social media users) just laugh when you mention Google+. They think it's a joke. It's not even part of the conversation. Google has a long long long way to go to catch up to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. etc. They're going to need to do more than just shut down Google Reader and move the resources to G+. Just sayin.

Travis Van Slooten
Thanks David, I was thinking they should maybe be merged too.
Google, MIT, Fashion, Twitter, More
by researchbuzz
March 22, 2013

Google Reader: Will RSS be replaced by Twitter? This article actually links to two different view points which is a good thing, because the idea of Twitter being functional enough to replace RSS makes me foam at the mouth. The only time that Twitter came even close to being as useful as RSS was when the late, much lamented ListiMonkey was in play. So Twitter is not as useful as RSS now, and who knows how Twitter TOS changes will make it even worse?

More Google: Google has introduced Google Keep. It?s described like this: ?To solve this problem we?ve created Google Keep. With Keep you can quickly jot ideas down when you think of them and even include checklists and photos to keep track of what?s important to you. Your notes are safely stored in Google Drive and synced to all your devices so you can always have them at hand.? After Google cancelled Reader, you know what reading about Google Keep makes me want to do? IT MAKES ME WANT TO GO GIVE EVERNOTE A BIG HUG.
Regarding KEEP here's how I feel.

After entrusting you with all my RSS data for years and now you are killing the service, why would I want to entrust you with anything else I feel is important to save???

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