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Redesigns are minefields. Here are a few potential problems:
  • Dropping keywords from home page text
  • Lack of redirects (especially for old URLs that had backlinks or traffic)
  • Blanket redirects to home page
  • Migrating to HTTPS while dropping or adding URLs
Beyond that, there are other issues more likely to impact organic than map pack rankings:
  • Site speed
  • Changes in site structure/menu
And it may just take Google awhile to figure it out. A good rule of thumb is to not throw too many changes at them at once. Like changing your CMS too!
I can't tell for certain what the cause is. But a few things I noticed- the URL you have listed on GMB pointing to your website points to then that URL redirects to THEN that URL redirects to the final URL You should update your URL in GMB to the final URL.

You also changed the homepage title tag from "Alamogordo NM Real Estate Listings, Homes, Properties, and Lots" to "Dei Gratia Real Estate - Alamogordo NM Homes For Sale." You may want to try a few title variations such as "Alamogordo NM Real Estate | Dei Gratia" etc.
I was checking your changes in webdesign, it looks like content & features for users (UX) changed completely. The new design looks good, but it lacks page speed in mobile version(just 14). Even the zip code in address is changed.

So addressing the page speed & little content optimization can bring back the ranking.
I think @Dan Foland likely nailed it. Changing content on the GMB landing page (especially removing keywords) can have an immediate drop in maps rankings.

And the redirect situation is technically a violation of the GMB quality guidelines and I have seen listings get hurt due to this.
@jasonfox Hey Jason, I'd love to hear if any of the suggestions work. Let us know how it goes!

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