More threads by jpayne7


Jul 7, 2020
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I was looking for a question that has already been answered on this topic but could not find one.

We have a client who has closed their office and is working from home. I'm going to list their address, but mark them as an SAB, since they won't expect customers at their home.

However, they think they won't be working from home long and may move into another office space soon. I'm afraid that multiple address changes in a few months may get the listing suspended. What should I do?

Side note: They currently have a virtual office where they receive mail as well. This is the office space they may move into full-time.
@jpayne7, just saw this. What I suggest you do, if possible, is skip one or more of the intermediate moves. No point in going through the hoops at new addresses if those addresses become old addresses in just a few months. Rather, just wait until the "forever home" is finalized. In the meantime, you can pull a "hermit crab" with the old address, or just remove the address from GMB and specify a service area.

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