More threads by VickyC500


Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
Can anyone help me understand why on my FB business page, I have x5 recommendations but the main home page and header in Recommendations section is showing we have 0 out of 5 reviews / recommendations?
Tab settings are optimised correctly FYI
I do believe this is the same issue, Kurt. We've heard of a variety of issues, but they all involve missing reviews/star ratings/recommendations.

It is incredibly frustrating, and does not appear to be a priority at all on Facebook's part. You may have a unique opportunity, being EDU, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I don't understand why this isn't more important to them, as the pages being affected by this are all potential advertisers. This is without a doubt costing them money, so I'm stumped!
So, we did a little test and got someone to post a review on the Facebook page
Hey Everyone,

It sounds like there hasn't been a solution found for this. I have a client which has a similar situation. 67 reviews on Facebook and Facebook shows a 0 out of 5 rating. It's been like this for months.


You can find it here: Log into Facebook

Would you agree that this is the same issue as is being discussed in this thread or might there be some setting causing this of which I am unaware?

Does it matter that the client is a private school? I know Google treats schools differently.


We did a little test and had someone post a review to the client's FB page. This seems to have reset FB rating system for the client and they now have a rating of 4.9.


The reason it still says 67 reviews is that somehow they lost a review between when I posted my original post and we did this experiment. So, right before we ran the experiment, they had a Rating of 0.0 with 66 Reviews.

It will be interesting to see if it stays fixed.


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