More threads by BenFisher

Any update from Google, Ben? While some of the Q&A did come back, our tracking picked up more being removed October 15 and again yesterday, October 21.

It's definitely not just our seeded content but user-generated questions and answers as well.
October 13, 15, & 19 we got more GatherUp notices than normal for the removal of user-initiated Q&As for the towing industry.
Since Q&A started to be impacted the number of Q&A's in our knowledge panel has bounced around from 11 to 4 - back up to 7 and now back down to 4 today. While we seeded a few, the ones we got from clients and responded to were removed. Hopefully it will settle down soon so we can see what we are left with and proceed from there.
@JoyHawkins Still seeing my Q&A appear, then some of them disappear again.

I have read conflicting info on the status of this. Are we still in flux and should just wait it out?

Last week at the PE Meetup in Boulder, Google confirmed that it is a “technical issue” causing problems. And confirmed that they have not yet resolved this issue.

The number of Q&A showing for any profile still varies on an almost daily basis and we do not know when the fix will be in.

We also do not know, in the end, if there will be any policy changes. But so far it appears to just be a “technical issue”. And that they are aware of it.

As such you should resist taking any action until it is resolved.
Last week at the PE Meetup in Boulder, Google has confirmed that it is a “technical issue” causing problems. And they have not yet resolved this issue.

The number of Q&A still varies on an almost daily basis and we do not know when the fix will be in.

we also do not know there will be any policy changes.

all we know is that Google says it is a technical issue and that they are aware of it.

as such you should resist taking any action until it is resolved.
Thanks for the update! Will hold tight!

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