More threads by mikepcservice

Jun 6, 2018
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Hey guys, I just created a new blog in the normal way but seeing this issue, should I ignore it and request the live indexing or does this mean there is something I should address please?

Screen Shot 2020-01-03 at 11.19.35 AM.png
Looks like it could just be a typo in the URL of "promlems" instead of "problems".
Try that and see if you get a different response.
No that wasn't it, I had the developer look into this over the weekend, it was the Bialty Plugin used for the Disability Access features which was causing this problem. I am still having problems now with GSC indexing so he is working on that.
As I told you in the other thread, I dumped that BIALTY plugin as well for other reasons, including (1) it had a significant negative impact on page load speed, and (2) really it was adding something that can easily be managed manually - basically when you upload images, make sure you provide them with good explanatory alt tags and where appropriate captions.
Yeah I have been working on too many things lately so I keep forgetting some stuff, thanks for the reminder, will delete it now.

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