More threads by djbaxter


Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
The latest version of the Xenforo software that runs this site has a couple of new thread formats. The first one we're introducing for the Local Search Forum is called the Question-and-Answer thread. You ask a specific question or a couple of questions about any aspect of local search or SEO, etc., and then you and others can upvote the replies according to what they feel is the best answer(s) or the suggestions that work best for them.

Here's how to start a new Question-and-Answer thread:

Start a new thread just as you normally would. But now you have some additional options:

create-question-answer thread.png

select-question-answer format.png

Then just proceed to ask your question(s) and post the new thread as you normally would.

(I need to test the "Article" format further before we introduce those so just ignore those for now.)
djbaxter, what is the difference between the Question type thread and a normal one? I am not seeing it in the example threads you posted.
The main thing is that you can upvote answers to your question that you like or that work for you. You can also sort a thead based on the number of votes an answer to your question received. It's probably more obvious on longer threads.


If you're viewing the Q&A thread on mobile, the upvote button is below the post instead of on the left.

If you receive a good response in a Q&A thread, please remember to upvote that response (right side of the helpful reply) if it helped answer your question or resolve your problem/concern. You can also tag a specific reply as the best answer for you by clicking the round circle with the check mark, just below the upvote arrows.​

Thanks! :)

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