More threads by Conor Treacy

Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
We know that the keywords in reviews can play a factor in the rankings, but something I found with a relatively new business was keywords in the replies to the reviews.

They have 6 reviews (they reek of fakeness), but the interesting thing was the reply from the business. They reply with a generic paragraph, then they list their services;
Service name
paragraph about the service
Service name #2
paragraph about the service #2

They do this for 6 different services and fill up the review character count.

When Google shows the review, they only show the opening paragraph about the business thanking them for the review etc, but when you click the View More, the reply is littered with their service and keywords etc.
I haven't seen anyone doing it this way before, have you? Are the keywords in the reply helping the ranking in the maps too?

We know that the keywords in reviews can play a factor in the rankings
Do we? I know lots of people say this but I have yet to see a study that shows how anyone has concluded that. We conducted a test a few months ago on it that I'll be presenting at our LocalU event next month but (spoiler) it resulted in no impact from shoving keywords into the reviews.
Yup I am with Joy here, KW's in replies are useless.
Thanks for the update on that.

I guess I'm just going off the older info that's been around. Stuff from Linda (yes, that's 5 years old, and boy does SEO change in just months, let alone years), Greg Gifford had some stuff from 2020, Search Engine Journal's stuff and their reference to the 2021 report with WhiteSpark.

It's the first time I've seen anyone using a reply and stuffing their services into it like that...
Do we? I know lots of people say this but I have yet to see a study that shows how anyone has concluded that. We conducted a test a few months ago on it that I'll be presenting at our LocalU event next month but (spoiler) it resulted in no impact from shoving keywords into the reviews.
@JoyHawkins This will be an interesting presentation for sure. Do you mean LocalU event in Denver in July? Will it be possible to listen to your presentation (live or recording) or get access to the results online for people who can't attend personally?
Do we? I know lots of people say this but I have yet to see a study that shows how anyone has concluded that. We conducted a test a few months ago on it that I'll be presenting at our LocalU event next month but (spoiler) it resulted in no impact from shoving keywords into the reviews.

Curious if the review + photos had any positive correlation.
Sorry to resurrect this thread but I've just had an interesting discussion with a new member of staff who has joined us from a different digital agency.

My view has been that keywords in reviews (for GBP in 2021/2 onwards at least) have no impact on rankings based on the info I've seen. However, his view is that they do have an impact on ranking.

As data and ranking considerations are always changing, I thought it may be worthwhile revisiting this topic for 2023. Does anyone know of any studies either for or against?

@JoyHawkins ? @darrenshaw?

I'm specifically only interested in whether including keywords in a reply to a review has an impact on ranking; not whether:
a) responding to reviews has an impact or
b) whether keywords in the original review has any impact
I’m wondering how this is nowadays as well. I remember years ago it was said that keywords in reviews helped but then it seemed like people started saying that not only do keywords not help, but even getting lots of reviews didn’t help with SEO either.
Sorry to resurrect this thread but I've just had an interesting discussion with a new member of staff who has joined us from a different digital agency.

My view has been that keywords in reviews (for GBP in 2021/2 onwards at least) have no impact on rankings based on the info I've seen. However, his view is that they do have an impact on ranking.

As data and ranking considerations are always changing, I thought it may be worthwhile revisiting this topic for 2023. Does anyone know of any studies either for or against?

@JoyHawkins ? @darrenshaw?

I'm specifically only interested in whether including keywords in a reply to a review has an impact on ranking; not whether:
a) responding to reviews has an impact or
b) whether keywords in the original review has any impact

I don't see why it would, if it did effect rankings than everyones review replies would be stuffed with keywords ... Google doesn't want to create spam in reviews.
I’m wondering how this is nowadays as well. I remember years ago it was said that keywords in reviews helped but then it seemed like people started saying that not only do keywords not help, but even getting lots of reviews didn’t help with SEO either.

Yea def diminishing returns ... but see correlation with quality, quantity, and most importantly consistency of reviews over time and organic visibility.
Yea def diminishing returns ... but see correlation with quality, quantity, and most importantly consistency of reviews over time and organic visibility.

I have over 100 reviews and the 5.0 rating. I am far ahead of most other Electrician other than a couple of real big franchise companies. It’s very common for a new customer to call and say something like “I saw all your great reviews“ so apparently I have enough to make prospective customers call.

Do you think it would be worthwhile to still actively spend time to pursue reviews (which could be a pain to get even happy customers to leave)? Or would it really makes no difference as far as a SEO?

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