More threads by Marie Ysais

Sep 18, 2012
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Is anyone using and loving a reporting software or bits and pieces of a few ?
I need to automate this area a bit more. Any advice would be appreciated.
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I'm using Bright Local for client reporting. I really like the simplicity and clarity of their Ranking report.

I haven't been using anything specifically for local search as a lot of my clients are nationwide. I have been using Raven but now am disappointed that they will not be offering the SERP ranking any longer. Does anyone know of a comparably priced tool that will continue to offer the SERP rankings?

On another note . . . do the local search reporting tools provide for nationwide reporting also?
I recommend and use Bright Local and Places Scout.

Here is an older review I did about Places Scout and all it's features. (Although a ton has been added since that post and now it even does Reputation Management and citation finding and other stuff too.)

They both have tons of features and each has it's own strengths.

But Janet, it's tough to find anything that does great local AND great national. It's usually one or the other. The regular organic or national tracking programs are not usually as fully featured for local. (For instance Scout shows you if each keyword is ranking in the old pack algo OR the new blended algo and even can shows how the client is ranking in nearby towns visually on a map.) But come to think of it, I think both could track national too???

Ya I read about Raven and Google. Really too bad they were forced to make that decision.
I also like Places Scout and I learned all about it in Linda's Blog. I have had issues trying to use it to track National but now that you mention it Linda I wonder if I had something set wrong. I am going to break it back out and see what it can do for National as well as Local. Locally I love it! But as Linda mentioned I have not found one that I love for both, YET! I am still looking!
Marie, Mark is awesome for support and programmed the software to be so flexible it can do almost anything. BUT that flexibility makes it a little complicated to configure just the way you want. Contact him if you need help through the support link and he'll help you get set up right.
I agree with Linda, Places Scout is a favorite of mine. The functions are easy to use and keep me ahead of the game when it comes to local search optimization. It gets my vote.
I use both. Bright Local has nicer looking reports and does a good job of handling both organic and local rankings. The Interface is quite polished and easy to use. You can also setup automated reporting. I believe there is still a free trial period to get a feel for the tool.

Places Scout excels as a research tool. It has a feature that helps you find potential clients based on keywords, search ranking, location and other criteria. Mark's support is really top-notch. He puts out fixes and updates continuously. The price point of the program is also quite low compared to other tools (it's an annual subscription). Although I haven't used it much, a lot of work has gone into the new Reputation Management module that works similar to Darren Shaw's Local Citation Finder.
It might be worth taking a look at AnalyticsSEO if you want to continue checking national ranking reports. It also offers some handy site audit checks, competitor analysis and other stuff as well. Here's a link to a blog post on their site from yesterday addressing the changes Raven Tools have made.
If you're just looking to track local rankings then BrightLocal would be the one to go with.
Bright Local is still offering the 30 days free trial offer. I will check it out! I like Places Scout a lot for the research it provides. thanks for all of the information.
There are more programs having to yank the plug like Raven did. And there are a couple other good national programs that also do local. Can't remember the name, but need to go find the link later and I'll be back.
I have built a local ranking tool that is going through an entire redesign but you can view the current version here - MKR

p: demo
Just want to add yet more praise for both BrightLocal and Places Scout - They are both very useful for Local SEO tracking/reporting/auditing...

Personally speaking, I use Places Scout for powerful keyword ranking tracking. However, like Linda said, it has tonnes more features that have been added...I just need to get round to using them.

Bright Local covers a wide range of services such as auditing/citation discovery/etc. They also offer a "Citation Burst" building service which is meant to be very good.

Finally, there is Whitespark local citation finder, a great simple lightweight tool for finding the local citations! :D
Greetings Marie,
About two weeks ago I discovered here, on, a SERP tool provided by After giving it a quick try it turned out to be perfect for my ongoing projects. I currently use it to track websites and campaigns targeting certain areas of Germany/Austria/Switzerland and I'm very happy with it, as it offers accurate and real time local SERP reports from almost any city in Germany. So far I haven't played with local reports for non-German speaking areas, but I expect it to work just as well for other countries of the world as well.
Just finally found the one I've been trying to remember.

Advanced Web Ranking

I think Mike used to use it and I know some organic SEO guys that use it. Have heard it's really strong for organic/national, but also does local half way decent I believe. I've seen reports SEOs I've worked with have sent me.

Just not sure with ANY organic ranking solution how good they are at keeping up with all the Google LOCAL changes unless they specialize in local as Bright and Scout do.
I highly recommend using I have been using the tool for months now I love the reporting. Some of the great feature of the tool are:

  • Google + Local Analysis and monitoring
  • Local directory and NAP reporting
  • Citation Source Discovery
  • Reputation monitoring
  • Social media monitoring
  • Organic and Local keyword ranking report and completion reporting
  • White Label Dashboard
  • White Label Reports
  • Bulk Discount Pricing
  • Alert System
Another bonus is you can use the tool to monitor your own business/s and they also have a reseller program which I am a part of.
I highly recommend using I have been using the tool for months now I love the reporting. Some of the great feature of the tool are...

Another bonus is you can use the tool to monitor your own business/s and they also have a reseller program which I am a part of

Hi Lyda,

At 1st it sounded like you were just sharing something you discovered and said you'd been using it for months? You also said you were a reseller?

But your email address is at bizvizable which appears to be the company that owns
So, I'm curious now - do you really work for the company?

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