More threads by WAHamilton


Oct 11, 2018
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Hi there,

I'm dealing with some duplication issues for a chain that I manage. Some of our locations are being flagged as duplicates because they exist at the same address as other businesses (IRL they are located within the other business).

Both businesses are distinct tax entities, as specified in GMB guidelines, and I've submitted photo evidence showing external signage for both businesses. However, GMB support is continuing to deny my reinstatement requests, stating there is an unspecified duplicate listing. I'm confident these unspecified duplicates are the other businesses -- not duplicates of our own listings.

I'm currently going back to them and trying to verify the names of the duplicates, so I can prove it's a different business, but I'm not sure this will be productive.

Am I taking the right approach? Any advice for how to address this issue?

Thanks all!
I would suggest posting over at the GMB forum. You'll need to list the details of the business and the case ID for your interaction with support along with all the photos.
Thanks Joy! I will take this as a next step if the conversation with Google Support isn't productive.

Would you suggest posting each case separately or all together?

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