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Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
I just noticed this today (not sure if it has been posted about yet)

The maps results are showing a bit different than they use to.

7-18-2014 11-42-20 AM.png 2014-7-18 11 50 46.png

<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="YAY! Just discovered! The ordered list is back on the new Google maps!">
<meta property="og:image" content="">

7-18-2014 11-42-20 AM.png 2014-7-18 11 50 46.png
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Thanks so much for sharing Alex!

Here is another screenshot that shows the change in more detail.


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Interesting... did you test whether it's showing for branded terms as well as general searches?
I was rushed before and could not check. The screenshots were hard to see and I always use Classic so thought that's what you were showing and it didn't look too different.

But just checked and YAY, the ordered list is back on new maps!

I think that's awesome and am so glad they did that. With just a bunch of dots and names on a map it was too hard for consumers to find what they wanted. The ordered list is much better and of course it's much better for us in the biz as well.
This is exciting! Sorry haven't had time to test yet. Does the new format allow for duplicate hunting? Does the order resemble the pack order?
Great questions Colan. Here is my quickie test. (Not in detail).

Searching phone for this spammy chiro that I've reported and listings never came down.

(512) 219-8999

Classic = 8 listings

New Maps list = 7 listings

Click list results on New Maps and it shows 8.

(FYI this guy has even more listings than that if you check different ways because he has multiple phone #s, sites and other KW stuffed names.)

Ranking Order:

Just made a different interesting discovery. I always use FF for rank tracking as that's my main browser. But I have it set to always use classic. So I had to use Chrome to get new maps.

I checked 3 SERPs I always check and in every case I get 1 - 2 listings that are different in the FF pack than the Chrome pack - looking at regular Google search NOT maps.

So I can't compare Classic ranking order on FF to New Maps ranking order on Chrome because FF and Chrome don't match for the regular SERPS.

BUT just looking at Chrome Maps list order does seem to match SERPs rank order except for listings that are penalized and show #1 in maps but are disconnected from the pack.

(Note just added bigger screenshot to my top post so the change is more obvious when I go to Tweet and share this on G+.)

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