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Jan 22, 2013
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I have been made the manager of a G+ Local account. The client received the PIN in the mail. Whenever one of us tries to verify the account with the PIN, a screen pops up (see attached) and the area where the PIN is to be entered is greyed out.

Any ideas why this is happening, or how to correct it?



Did the client already have a verified Google + Local account? When you click "Manage account" what does it do?

I would assume that whatever email address you are using already has administrative access to the listing.

Please let me know so i can help!
Yes his account was already verified a while ago. We had to change the address and url. My client is the owner and originally set it up. He is the one that made me a manager.

When you click >Manage the account" it will let me make changes, but when I ask to enter the pin, it gives the message I attached to the original post.

Thanks for the quick reply
I have not run into this problem before. When you changed your address were you prompted to verify with a postcard?

Are you working in the Google + Business dashboard or in the Google Places Dashboard?

The Google help team is also really good with helping with verification issues. Maybe give them a call?
It gave me the option of postcard or phone. My client was unavailable (he's a contractor) so we chose the postcard. It's the G+ Dashboard.

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out and report back here when I know something.
Contacted Google+ support by phone and they were able to verify the site for me. All in all, it was a very pleasant tech support call.... short and with the desired outcome.

Thanks again mborgelt

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