More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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<strong><font size="5" face="arial" color="#006699">Local Search Tools and Software</font></strong>
<img src="" alt="local search tools" title="local search tools"/>​

This page features a couple of my favorite Local SEO tools, followed by links to more great tools/resources.

<center><a href=""><img src="" alt="Places Scout" /></a></center>
<strong><a href="">Places Scout</a> Local Rank Tracking, Competitive Analysis, Citation Finder, Reputation Management</strong>
<strong>Your swiss army knife local SEO must-have tool!</strong> Advanced Places rank tracking PLUS competitive analysis to help you rank your clients higher PLUS lead generation to help you find new clients PLUS citation finder PLUS reputation management and lots more, all in one very affordable software program. (Warrior Special Offer) <strong>Check out videos and screenshots.</strong> My original review <a href="">here</a>.

Places Scout Reputation Management Module With Google+ Local Review Backups & Alerts. (Included in Places Scout above, but this link goes into detail on the rep management module specifically.)

<strong><a href="" title="SmallBiz WordPress Theme">BEST Small Business Wordpress Theme</a></strong> - This theme is SUPER high ranking and includes everything you need for great LOCAL search rankings. Even includes a mobile version of your web site. Many versatile layout options. Plus if you do design or local SEO, there is a developer's license so you can build as many web sites as you want for clients. <strong>HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!</strong> Developed by my friend Don Campbell, who used to work for Microsoft.

For more great local search solutions check out
our new Local SEO Tools - Local Search Software Forum and the
Google Places Software and Free Local SEO Tools page at the Catalyst blog.
Can someone compare BrightLocal and Places Scout?

I know Miles, and think he's a great guy!

I've used some of their tools, and have recently used their Citation Burst service.

All I want is a clean and simple, yet accurate report to show clients each month.

Google+ Local Rankings
Organic Rankings

All I want is a clean and simple, yet accurate report to show clients each month.

Google+ Local Rankings
Organic Rankings

We use Bright Local and we love them. They can provide everything that you mentioned you are looking for above.
Yes BrightLocal is great and all online so not platform dependent.
Been using BrightLocal since the beginning and I love them, but recently discovered a big discrepancy in their local rank reports from what is real and what is seen by people searching in that geographical region for a local business. Up to now, I hadn't noticed a big difference. So my interest was piqued when I heard Whitespark was coming out with a new rank report tool and I got a private demo with Darren. It's quite impressive for many reasons, but I was most excited to see that it "performs queries in the location of search" so it's more accurate. It also has much more advanced reporting features which are really great for serious Local SEOs. It is missing BL's competitive rank comparison chart and their simple, beautiful white label reports, however.
Thanks for bringing up Whitespark's new ranking tool.

I asked Darren for more info but have not really looked into it yet. Knowing him, I'm sure it's great though!
Hi Kat

I saw this post on the Forum and thought i'd reply.

We added the 'location setting' function to our rank checker tool about 2-3 months ago. This allows you to set a specific location for your searches (e.g. town or zipcode) so that you can emulate the results which a real searchers sees.

You can add a location to your existing reports & to new reports.

Here's a screen shot showing how you do this: (works for Google & Bing but not yahoo right now)

BrightLocal location setting.png

Please let me know if you have any questions on this works or how it should be used.

BrightLocal location setting.png
I use BrightLocal for my local SEO reports and though I like the presentation and the ability to white label the reports, they are not totally accurate.

While BrightLocal tracks your website (obviously), citations, Facebook and YouTube videos, it does not track Google+ posts or press releases.

These are two very big omissions and I wish they would fix them.

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