More threads by gsearch2424


Jan 16, 2024
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Hey all,

I have a client stuck in the video verification process. But it doesn't seem to get reviewed and then denied.

It just seems to upload fine, sits as pending, and then goes back to unverified after a few days. This has happened multiple times over. The video is super thorough and hits all the requirements, etc.

Of course in Google's infinite wisdom, to lodge a support request about verification, it has to be verified first:


I just saw Darren's hack method of recording the screen, so I might get the client to send me the video, I'll compress it, and then try it from my end.

But has anyone encountered anything similar?

Thanks in advance!
One form leads me to this dead end:


When I try to re-verify I get this one:


Then the other support form lets me submit (I've tried different combinations of information), and I get this auto reply:

I'm experiencing this exact same problem. It's been going on for 2 weeks now. For 4 locations

This form is specific for verification issues and should funnel you to a solution for your problem or to contact support. If not, go to the GBP forum and ask a PE to look into it.

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