More threads by sodomojo

Oct 10, 2012
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They are telling them that they need to go in and reclaim their Google Places listing? I optimized it a couple months ago, 10 pictures, 5 videos, categories, etc.

Any idea whats going on?

Today my client got this email:

I tried reaching you earlier to brief you on the Google Places Page. [/FONT]
If it’s easier, please call me at this number 1-877-503-0842 (ext. 23920) to discuss your Places Page.

Please Call DO NOT Respond to this email as it will not be received.

You need to reclaim you Google Places Page or it will be set for removal for having no ownership.

1)Your Google Places
Go to
Then Click "Get Started Now" (Blue Button under the lady on the
Sign in with your email account : Once your signed in take note of your Total Activity.
MAKE SURE: Your listing is up to date

Your Impressions vs. Actions
Impressions are how many people searching for keywords
related to your business and Actions how many people click specificly on your

To help with your activity check out your Adwords Express right above your activity graphs.
You should've recive a credit in the mail for you to use to help build and gain eyes to your business.
If you haven't recieved yours in the mail feel free to contact me back and I'll get one re-generated for you.
Video's below are to help you gain a little knowlege about what Adwords
Express is and does.

How to Set up Your Adwords Express

Google AdWords Express: Local online advertising made easy

What is AdWords Express?

AdWords Express Stories: Connecting to customers

There is a $100 Credit availible to you that I can provided for your AdWords Express, contact me back via phone if you would like to use it.
Otherwise you should have recived on via email at some point or in snail mail.
Call me at 1-877-503-0842 (ext. 23920) for any other questions you may

Talk to you soon,
Weird! At 1st due to the part I bolded in red I thought it was one of those scammy companies that THREATEN to delete your listing if you don't sign up with them.

You need to reclaim you Google Places Page or it will be set for removal for having no ownership.

However that appears to be the Google Adwords Express phone # and I don't see anything that suggest phishing or is attempting to get your log in or anything.

But since when does Google THREATEN to delete unclaimed Place pages and tell you, make it sound like you better sign up with Adwords Express?

Very odd and overly aggressive for Google to use this type of scare tactic.
Even poor English/grammar, mistakes. IF this is real...

I called and voice-mail said the "Google Advertising Department"
PLUS if it's your client, I assume the listing WAS verified already. But they said "You need to reclaim you Google Places Page or it will be set for removal for having no ownership."

Can you confirm this was sent to the account email that had already verified the listing?

Can you please forward the full email with headers to me to I can forward to Google?
Email: linda AT
Linda, yes the listing was already verified, and it was sent to the email that is associated with the listing.

I will forward to you.

Google Adwords Express called one of my clients last fall and told him that he hadn't had any activity in his account since 2010. They told him that no one had logged into his account or made any changes in 2 years so he really needed to update his listing. As it turns out, his listing was claimed in 2 accounts and the one they were referring to hadn't been accessed in a long time (I didn't even know it existed in there). I find it hard to believe the rep wouldn't have known this though so I think they were just throwing him a line of BS. My client thought it was retarded and it definitely doesn't make Google look good to use such poor sales tactics that are used by some of the slimy SEO companies out there.
Forgot to report back...

I reported to Google and found out this indeed WAS from Google. They told me they dealt with the situation, but I'm not sure how. Don't think we'll see this version of an AWE pitch circulating to other users though. :eek:
Thanks Linda.

I hope that somehow my clients listing doesn't tank or disappear.

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