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Sadly not fixed yet and this one's sad. Tried to help her last night.

This one has security concerns for her family and insists her address be hidden.
I alerted Jade and added to the problem list.

Address showing up in Google Places

Here are her notes for the close listing request which is still in pending!

My listing is clearly marked "Do not show" the address and yet the address is showing publicly. Not only do I not see clients at our home, but we have safety issues for certain family members. I cannot have this address made public.

I checked Map Maker last night and she's trying to delete listing due to safety concerns.

"I have my listing marked as "Do not show my business address on my Maps listing" because I do not see customers at my home and we have personal safety issues we must always pay attention to. However, it's showing up in Google search results..plain as day. I cannot have that."
Thanks for the update Linda.

This has been a very irritating bug. It's affected 2 of my SAB clients - So far, one of them has "come back" to "hidden", and the other one has stayed visible. Hope they get this sorted very soon.
One flipped back to hidden? Had you poked or anything? Or it just changed on its' own?
I certainly didn't "poke" the listing for it to flip back to hidden. I am just checking with my client now if he did a poke/null submit (very unlikely).

It's definitely flipped back though.
UPDATE - It "flipped back to hidden" yesterday, AND THEN has now flipped back to visible..... (when it should be hidden).

No poking/null submit has been done.
Thanks for update Nick. Let's call this one the Hidden Address Google Dance. :rolleyes:
Yeah, it's often like I'm doing some of my salsa dancing with the Google local rankings, and she's got some crazy footwork!
This was happening to one of my SAB clients and we just let Google know what was happening through the "Report a Problem" button on our listing. The address was hidden 6 days later. Not sure if this would happen across the board but it worked for me in this case. I'm still testing a few more businesses that have this problem though.
Thanks for sharing Matt.

Just out of interest, which options did you select from the "report a problem" dashboard?

Just checking which options got the problem fixed....
This was happening to one of my SAB clients and we just let Google know what was happening through the "Report a Problem" button on our listing. The address was hidden 6 days later. Not sure if this would happen across the board but it worked for me in this case. I'm still testing a few more businesses that have this problem though.

Thanks Matt, that's interesting.

Because when I escalated the one above to Jade, the woman that was concerned about her family's safety... even Jade said she could not hide address. She could only help her get the listing deleted, but could not hide it.

So I wonder if yours was something different and not the same bug as the one Jade was trying to help on??? Something that COULD be fixed in MM?
I know this sounds "paranoid" but I probably wouldn't risk "reporting the problem", as (knowing Google), they could mess delete the listing. Even though that seems unlikely, stranger things have happened. It looks like we might just have to "hang tight" on this problem and wait for it to get sorted.

I really hope those "quality control guys" are not doing their regular checking up on businesses! :mad::eek:
I know this sounds "paranoid" but I probably wouldn't risk "reporting the problem", as (knowing Google), they could mess delete the listing. Even though that seems unlikely, stranger things have happened. It looks like we might just have to "hang tight" on this problem and wait for it to get sorted.

I really hope those "quality control guys" are not doing their regular checking up on businesses! :mad::eek:

Don't blame you for the paranoia Nick!

But I raised concern about compliant listings being improperly deleted and asked if the moderators could be told to back off due to this bug and was told they would not be deleting any listings for now. BUT that does not give me much solace, as I personally don't really have much faith in the moderation team.
Oh, that's nice of them not to delete businesses for a short time....;):rolleyes:

Yeah, I have a bit of paranoia about putting the spotlight on the businesses that has "showing" address when it should be hidden.

Hope this bug gets sorted soon so we can have peace of mind and sleep well! :rolleyes:
I thought I'd chime in as well. Just noticed several of my client's listings are experiencing the same address not being hidden problem.

Has Google fixed the inaccurate impression problem yet? Sheesh, these bugs stack up fast. When will they ever get it right?

I know Kristen, so frustrating.

Here's a comment from business owner that puts it well!

Address returns to showing after hidden

Irony at it's finest.

It took Google almost 4 months to resurrect my listing because I was in violation of Google's quality guidelines because I did not have my address hidden, and now a month after being restored, a Google bug is causing me to be in violation again by showing my listing even though it is hidden.

That's just F'n great.

I now shiet my pants every time the phone rings.

Am I still at risk of having my listing pulled from Pakistan AGAIN???

Bold, red by me because I totally agree and sympathize!
After doing an audit of my clients, I found 2 (electrician and plumber) with the same problem. These are 2 #1 listings in a very competitive Phoenix market.

After reading all of the posts here, one thing is certain, no one is safe from this bug.

It may be a good idea to notify your clients affected not to touch anything in their Google dashboard, until further notice.

A panicky client may go in and start messing with stuff that could make things worse.

Just my 2 cents,
A panicky client may go in and start messing with stuff that could make things worse.

Really good point Jeff! Some would even go crazy and maybe try to edit in Map Maker. Although you would think the 1st thing they would do if they notice a problem is contact the consultant they are paying to deal with Google local. But ya, some just go off half cocked. So warning is a good idea. Plus shows them you are on top of all the latest problems and are aware it's affecting them.

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