More threads by jrobbins

Oct 30, 2015
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Here we go again. I have literally thousands of ?resolve updates? in all my GMB accounts. They all seem to invariably be adding ?wheelchair accessible? in the ?amenities? area (though many are adding locations as ?closed? on FRI which is inaccurate in ALL cases!). Is there any way we can run this up the ladder and find out what is going on at Google and clear all these updates? I cannot possibly go through each page and except the update for each without getting carpal tunnel syndrome. Thanks in advance for the input!
Here is a screenshot of the "update".


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I've got it too on everyone of our locations. This time they're asking me for verification of wheelchair accessible entrance, some limited merchandise categories and accepted payment types.

Would it be better served to not say "resolve updates" for every issue they want to bring up. If they want me to add more information then have the message say "provide additional information."

I also received no notification that updates needed to be resolved.

I think I need a hug.
Thanx Caleb. Glad to hear but sorry you're suffering as well. I hope this is a "bug" that G will fix (as they have done with previous "like" issues) and I will login and these will all be "gone". I would like some feedback to that effect though.....
And in the payments I would mark: credit, debit, checks, and cash-only. Wait... "cash-only"?



I am thinking you should take no action on any pages in any of your accounts. It seems to me that this is a back-end problem at Google that they will in turn resolve with you/me needing to take no action. So I?m sitting tight right now and waiting to hear from Linda.....
Sorry guys, just caught this.

Wise to sit tight and I'll talk to Google now.
OK, just reported to Google and am going to bring it up to the Pros group to see if anyone else has the issue. Lots of those guys have big accounts they can look at.
are you able to just select all, then choose "reject updates" and reject all the updates?
Report of same thing at Pro Community: <a href="">Locations Bug?</a>

Hey Chad. Great advice. I don't have a locations account so can't see where/how to do that. Seems if it was obvious, the guys above would have tried it.

James, Caleb & Chad - pretend you are a lower tech business owner and don't know much about GMBL. Would it be obvious to you that what Chad suggested you should do? Is it obvious/easy to find out how?

So often in Google solutions are obvious to the engineers, but not so much to SMBs.
Let me know if the messaging/nav is adequate and if this works so I can give more feedback to Google.

I am unable to "select all" to dispense with all these updates. In fact, since the recent dash changes in GMB, we cant even "apply to all" as we used to be able to do. I am thinking this is a glitch at Google. We encountered a similar issue recently (Linda might remember) where all these "updates" were sprung on all our accounts. Let me know what you hear from G Linda. Thanx!!!! I sent a note about all this to the GMB twitter acct but have gotten no response.
the apply to all is buried deeper now, it is still there. might not work for your current issue, but fyi if you select a bunch of listings, then click into one of them, then try to change something like hours, it will ask if you want to apply those changes to the rest of the selected listings
I can attest the discard does not work.

Takes you through the discard process and looks like it works, but the discards don't happen. Refresh the screen and the "resolve updates" notice is still there and the attributes are still on each listing, waiting to be resolved.

<a href=""><img class="embeddedObject" src="" width="800" height="165" border="0" /></a>
Getting a few wheelchair accessible under amenities for a lot of listings, but a lot other options that make a ton of sense!
The list of amenities for restaurants is huge, other biz types short & sweet.

(preview one restaurant's list, too long to include image here)

Can't imagine the headaches right now for large restaurant chains.

Also seeing "resolve updates" on closed listings. Seems a bit odd, but that's the least of the problems at the moment.

Just got word back from Google. It's working as intended.

It seems the first round of attributes editing *has* to be accepted. You can then go back and edit the attributes as suits the location via spreadsheet or individual listing.

I was able to batch accept. Now going through and fixing things up.
Am not seeing attributes displaying, so that gives me a little bit of time to put things in the right places.

None of my listings had edits to hours though, so @jrobbins can you wait a couple of days before you accept? That then would give you a few days to do the correct updates before the next Friday comes around...
Thanks for sharing Google's reply here and at the Pro community Margaret.
I was away from computer for a couple hours. Really appreciate it!
My pleasure Linda.

Y'know, I really do wish someone would have taken the time to do a wee little banner across the top to tell folks that the first time through they'd need to approve the edits regardless.

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