More threads by Matt Chauhan

Matt Chauhan

Feb 22, 2021
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Is there a way to fix the image that appears along with organic search results?


For one of our clients, the photo is a cropped version of their logo in the search results which looks really bad.
Hi Matt,

Some tips in here you may find useful.

Hi Colan,

I tried everything as suggested in the article, but the image in the organic search on the desktop still shows the cropped logo of the business.
Looks to me like your problem is that your thread title is literally not what your problem is. The image is not "cropped", it's just not the one you want, which is a completely different issue!

As joy plainly states in that article, Google will highly prioritize a large, square image, so If you don't want that large square picture you complain about to be used on the SERP? Don't use the picture on the page to begin with.

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