More threads by JoshuaMackens


Local Search Expert
Sep 12, 2012
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I'm looking to help a couple of businesses, for free. That's right, I said free.

The first business needs to have a Google+ Local page already but they haven't claimed it yet.

The second business needs to be a business that doesn't have a Google+ Local page yet and needs one created.

I'll go through all the steps to optimize their listings, upload photos, categories, etc.

I'm doing this because I am going to use it to make a tutorial video. If you know a friend, client, new business, that needs help and you haven't had the time, or they haven't had the money, to get started on this yet, I'd like to work with them. All I'm asking in return is that they allow us to use the work that we do and publish it on the internet.

PM me if you have someone who would be interested in that.

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