More threads by Blake Denman

Blake Denman

LocalU Faculty
Nov 6, 2013
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Hi friends,

I've been doing a lot of research lately on task management/CRM solutions that would best fit the needs of my agency. I am curious to see what others are using that I may have not discovered yet, and why. Here are a few questions I would like to know regarding what you use:

  • What are the major benefits of it, compared to others?
  • Where does it fall short, or what features are missing?

I'm 95% sure of what I'm going to be using, but wanted to see others' opinions before I pulled the trigger. :)

Hi Blake-

We do use a CRM system- ZohoCRM and Zoho Campaigns for our autoresponder. Back in the day I used to do large scale ERP system implementations and for the price and flexibility for our needs, it works great for us. There are many choices out there and you are going to want to do some planning and make sure you define your company's requirements and the type of data you want and what you want it for and try to crystal ball it out several years in advance based on your businesses strategic plan.

Hope that helps-

I 'use' insightly. I like it, and it's free for what I need. When i say 'use' I mean that is my CRM of choice, but I'm not consistent at updating it like I should be.
For task management, we use Teambox, which just switched names to Redbooth. We found this the best performing system after trying the trials of many other platforms.

Is it perfect? No, I don't think any one service can be perfect to everyone that needs a system, but it is the closest to our needs so far.

It seemed to be easier and more user friendly than the others we tried and more robust on overall features.

It does fall short on "recurring tasks", though they claim to be working on adding this feature in the future. Now we just have to reschedule the tasks monthly. Once this feature is added, it will be even better.

For a CRM, I believe our sales team uses Nimble, but can't speak on that part firsthand.

Hope that helps!

We just started rolling out with smartsheet, it seems to fit all our project management needs. For CRM, we are also on the look out for a killer solution.
@ Blake

We use highrise as our CRM. Really like it. You can get a free account here. (2 users, no files, 250 contacts). We also use Asana for larger projects.
Late reply here, but for our project mgmt, we use Trello. Works very well for our team. We use Highrise for our CRM.
We use Salesforce for our CRM and Base Camp for project management.
I've just gotten to the level that I need to use a CRM and I've toyed with a free Insightly account in the past just out of curiosity. The interface felt a bit dated and un-stimulating. HOWEVER, they've just updated it and it looks great!

I believe it operates with a some Google code (I'm not a developer) as the interface now has a default Gmail look and feel to it and it integrates with Google Apps accounts. The 1 user account is only $9/month for the paid features.
When I was a project manager I used TimeFox. It's great, and easy/intuitive. I loved that I could start a timer and stop it when the phone rang, then start it back up again when I was done, so I knew how much time I was spending on things.

It gave the company a whole new perspective on how much a clients true cost is, just by answering emails back and forth. With that information I changed the reporting a bit to include things being asked and saved time/money :D It's also super easy to give invoiced out if you charge based on time spent. But I was in more of a consulting role then, so it depends on what your business model is.
We just started using team work and love it! You can do about anything in it. At least it seems so far.

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