More threads by NickB-Tampa


Mar 18, 2020
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We just got access to three of our client's listings but they wound up in the Ungrouped Locations. I selected them and tried to transfer them to the Group we have specifically for that client's locations, however, it only would accept the transferral of one of the three. A grey notification popped up at the bottom left corner of the screen and said to "Check your permissions." What could be the reason for this happening? Do we need to be listed as the primary owner of the listings or something?
We just got access to three of our client's listings but they wound up in the Ungrouped Locations. I selected them and tried to transfer them to the Group we have specifically for that client's locations, however, it only would accept the transferral of one of the three. A grey notification popped up at the bottom left corner of the screen and said to "Check your permissions." What could be the reason for this happening? Do we need to be listed as the primary owner of the listings or something?

I am only able to transfer locations that my account is an owner of, manager access doesn't work for me.
In the past, sometimes even locations my account has owner access to have not transferred, or it will transfer but I can't find it in the destination location group. Upon contacting Google support, they tell me to wait a few days, so it seems like sometimes the dashboard won't do the transfer right after receiving access, but it isn't consistent to when it makes you wait.

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