More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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No sh*t Sherlock! Rozek did it again! He discovers the most interesting things...

And is always so willing to share!

Check this!

<a href="">Local Citation Cleanup Hack: Check BBB |</a>

As you probably know, having inconsistent NAP info floating around the Web can hurt your rankings (a lot). You’ll need to correct those listings. But first you need to find them.

That can be tricky if you’ve had different phone numbers, different addresses, different business names, and different websites. For instance, you can’t always just Google the phone number and see all the listings you need to fix, because some of them might use other numbers.

Enter the Better Business Bureau.

Go to your BBB listing, if you have one. (My favorite way is to type into Google “business name + BBB”.)

Then click on “View Additional Phone Numbers” and / or “View Additional Web Addresses

Click over to Phil's to read the rest. You'll be glad you did!!!

Then come back over here and tell us about your "I should have had a V8" moment! :p

<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content="Local Citation Cleanup Hack Using the BBB - No sh*t Sherlock... Rozek did it again!"><meta property="og:description" content="Check out Phil's post then tell us about your - I should have had a V8 moment! ">
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Yeh. That's a nice little find and just used it to find another name for one of our clients. Thanks Phil..
Nice post, didn't think of using the BBB for that. Another tool I've been playing with and have been pleasantly surprised is the NAP Hunter that just put out. I think using Phil's method in combination with Andrew's NAP Hunter Google Chrome extension is going to be a killer time saver when looking for NAP inconsistencies.

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